School Logo

The Kilburn Park School

Working Hard To Achieve

School Logo

The Kilburn Park School

Working Hard To Achieve



Our teaching in Music aims to engage and inspire children to develop a love of music and their talents as musicians. The scheme of work puts enjoyment in practical music making, through singing and instrumental playing, at its heart. Children apply the musical skills that they have learnt to compose short pieces of music. During their time at the school, children learn to play the following instruments:

Recorder               Ukulele              African Drums               Samba

Performance is integral in our music curriculum and all children are given the opportunity to perform in school.

Music is taught by specialist music teachers from the Brent Music Service. Their Music's Cool programme was described as 'an excellent partnership programme' in the 2012 Ofsted Report "Music In Schools; Sound Partnerships"



Music overview and progression
