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The Kilburn Park School

Working Hard To Achieve

School Logo

The Kilburn Park School

Working Hard To Achieve


Young Leaders


Young Leadership Team Policy - Awaiting School Council and Governor final approval

Vision and Aims:

Our prefects and school councilors works together as a team, with our teachers, to ensure that we have input in our learning and help plan the experiences we have at Kilburn Park School:

  • We aims to challenge ourselves and ACHIEVE great things;
  • We aim to help the teachers make learning fun and find ways to make us learn better;
  • We will listen to our classmates and make sure that every pupil has a voice.


We are the Young Leaders of Kilburn Park School and together we ACHIEVE while having fun.



Priorities for the year:

Young Leaders

Vision and Mission Statements 

At Kilburn Park School we


Who are we as Young Leaders?

What do we want to accomplish?


We want to raise funds for our 2025 residential trip.  This will help keep the cost down for everyone.  Keep an eye out for all the exciting things we are planning.

Improving School Dinners:

1. Salads competition:  Each class will design a

    salad.  The winning salad will be added to the     

    school menu.

2. Cooking Competition

3. Have your say on what Mrs Shah adds onto the     


Celebrating US!   

At Kilburn Park School we come from all over the world.  We are going to celebrate who we are while learning interesting facts about different cultures .  Look out for fun events

KPS 50 Experiences:

We are going to help choose the 50 experiences that pupils at KPS will have during there time in the school.

Community Service:

What can we do to do to be good citizens in our school.  We are apart of the local community.  Let’s work together and see what we can contribute to our local community.

Homework Treats:  

We loved going to Inflata Nation last term for our homework treat.  We can choose what we are going to do moving forward.


To improve the toilets in the year 6 bathsrooms.


Funds raised so far for our residential trip in September 2024!

