The Kilburn Park School
Working Hard To Achieve
Kilburn Park School is a Junior Foundation school in the London Borough of Brent. We have spaces for 240 children. There are currently vacancies in all years. Please feel free to collect an admissions pack from the school office. We are usually open for 48 weeks of the year.
Call the school on 020 7624 7603 to arrange a visit and collection of the application pack.
You have the right of appeal for a place at any school you listed on your application. You are strongly advised to accept a place at an alternative school in the meantime. This will ensure that your child will have a school place if your appeal is unsuccessful. The outcome of your appeal will not be affected by accepting a place at another school.
In year: if you wish to appeal against a decision please write formally to our chair of Govoners
Ms. S. Tomlin or-
Appeals resulting from in-year applications will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.