School Logo

The Kilburn Park School

Working Hard To Achieve

School Logo

The Kilburn Park School

Working Hard To Achieve


Healthy Living

At Kilburn Park School, we are committed to creating a positive environment which supports physical and emotional health and well-being. 

School Games Mark (Gold status)
The School Games Mark is a government led awards scheme to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. We are a successful sporting school and our children have represented Brent and our school at the London Youth games. We have achieved Gold Status in 2017/18, 2018/19. 



As part of the Physical Education Programme of study, a statutory element of the National Curriculum, children must be provided with swimming instruction and should be taught to: 

  • swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 meters
  • use a range of strokes effectively 
  • perform safe self-rescue in different water based situations. 

Here at Kilburn Park, all our children are given the opportunity to attend lessons in Moberly Sports Centre throughout the academic year. 


Swimming timetableEvery Friday (1 hour)
Autumn termYear 5/6
Spring termYear 3
Summer term 

Year 4

Additional Year 6 pupils

who have not met statutory requirements.


It is our aim that on their completion of Year 6, all children in Kilburn Park will have acquired bikeability level 3.  


Bikeability level 1:  aims to develop cycling handling in an off-road environment and prepare riders for cycling on the road. 

Bikeability level 2: develops riders's skills and confidence for cycling on single-lane road and simple junctions with mostly moderate motor traffic flows, preparing riders to deal with short journeys such as cycling to school. 

Bikeability level 3: equips riders with the skill and confidence to ride in more challenging roads and traffic situations. It also includes planning routes for safe cycling. 


miMove App


miMove is an app that helps us at Kilburn Park to support our children in developing activity as part of their lives. Our young people (or their parents/carers) simply record their physical activity on their device. With this information, the school and parents can get a more accurate idea of their children's activity levels.

