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The Kilburn Park School

Working Hard To Achieve

School Logo

The Kilburn Park School

Working Hard To Achieve


Our School Day

At Kilburn Park we are a busy school with activities and clubs beginning at 7.30am and running through until 4.15pm.  Below, we have detailed a 'typical' day at Kilburn Park School. 



Breakfast Club

Kilburn Park runs a Breakfast Club from 7.30 – 8.10am every school day. Entry to the club is through main office. Please speak to the school office if you would like to send your child in for Breakfast Club. The club is free to all Kilburn Park pupils.


Soft Start

The school gates open from 8.30am each morning, this is when all the classrooms in all years groups are open and ready to welcome children in. During this time, there will be a chance for your child to practice and revisit previous aspects of their learning. 


As part of our safeguarding procedures, parents of children in Years 3 - 6 are encouraged to say goodbye to their children at the gated entrance of the school. This ensures that we have a safe, calm and orderly process to the beginning of our day. This also provides an opportunity for children to develop independence, allows for the completing of activities such as organising their own belongings on to their pegs or handing in their homework. 


School Hours

Key Stage 2 (Years 3 - 6):

8.30am - Classroom open (soft start)

8.45am - Registration

9.00am - Morning session

10.15am - Playtime

10.30am - Mid-morning session

12.00pm - Lunchtime

1.00pm -  Afternoon session

3.15pm - Home time


Children arriving after 8.45am are late.


At the end of the day


  • At the end of the day all children from Year 3-6 and the Sterling centre are collected from the front entrance.


Any children not collected by 3.25pm will be taken to the office to be supervised by the class teacher. When the children are collected, the responsible adult will be asked to supply a reason for the late collection of their child.
