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The Kilburn Park School

Working Hard To Achieve

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The Kilburn Park School

Working Hard To Achieve


School Meals

Lunch menu until October 24

Packed Lunch

You may wish to send your child with a packed lunch. Their lunchbox should contain protein rich foods like chicken, low fat starchy foods like pasta, plus vegetables, fruit and dairy products. Sweet drinks and sugary snacks should be kept to a minimum. It is important to choose healthier options so that children are getting important nutrients. Below are some quick ideas for easy lunches that your child may enjoy:


  • Protein - Chicken, turkey, tuna, boiled eggs, lean meat, cheese and beans will all help to give your child energy and help them concentrate.


  • Carbohydrates – Wholemeal bread, or ‘whole white’ which contains a third wholemeal flour.  Houmous with sliced carrot or cucumber is also an option.


  • Keep it varied – include baguettes, bagels, pitta as well as sliced bread.


  • Five-a day – Cherry tomato, grapes, slices of carrots and peppers all count towards your child’s five- a- day. 


  • Sweet treats – Fruit, dried fruit, small yoghurts and fruit smoothies give more long lasting energy than a chocolate bar.


  • Fizzy drinks, energy drinks, sweets and chocolate are not allowed, however snack bars with biscuit and chocolate are.


  • Please send your child with a drink, for example, water, or milk to keep them hydrated and help maintain focus during the day.