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The Kilburn Park School

Working Hard To Achieve

School Logo

The Kilburn Park School

Working Hard To Achieve


Home and School

Communicating With Parents


Children, parents and the staff of Kilburn Park work in partnership with each other. There are many opportunities, formal and informal for sharing information and exchanging views. Teachers are always willing to make individual appointments to talk to parents; please contact the school office to make an arrangement.


  • In the Autumn term, all parents are welcomed to a 'Meet the Teacher' meeting to discuss class routines and expectations for the school year.
  • In the Spring Term all parents are invited to discuss their child’s progress.
  • In the Summer Term all parents receive their child’s Annual Report and this is followed by another opportunity to meet with the class teacher.
  • Newsletters are written regularly to the whole school and to classes for particular events.
  • From September 2024, teacher will update the class page with topic information each term to outline the work that will be covered. 
  • The school website contains lots of information about the school including many school documents that can be downloaded. The school newsletter is also published on the website.


If a parents has a concern or a complaint, they will find the complaints procedure in the policies tab. 
